Praise for Racoon Bandit: _“Their sound has elicited comparisons to such East Coast indie rock peers as the revered Sloan and Thrush Hermit, and their excellent new album Close Your Eyes justifies that.”_ – NewCanadianMusic
“Like Joel Plaskett on an ayahuasca binge…Close Your Eyes accomplishes the two things every album should strive for: It leaves the listener wanting more, and wondering where they left their dealer’s phone number.”
“_The summery, washed-out production lends the album’s more contemplative moments like ‘Believe Me’ and ‘Second Chance’ even more warmth and emotional heft.”_ –AUX-TV
_“Catchy….moving…I couldn’t get enough of the harmonies, and found myself singing along. 4⁄5 Stars.”_ – Canadian Beats
_“Delightful, positive pop vibe with sweet vocal work…there is an easy-going vibe to some of these tracks, yet they also dig themselves into your brain and make a welcome home there.”_ – Michael Doherty music blog
“_Soaring harmonies mixed with a blend of folk and rock that find an irresistible happy medium between the two…a band with a killer amount of potential._” – Musicnerd.ca “_Sprawling East Coast indie rock._” – Beatroute
“_Racoon Bandit show a knack for warm folk-rock arrangements that hide an anthemic bite; something that goes smoothly next to daydreamed campfires and docks at sunset…The lyrics, mood and scope of this band hugs at the very nature of being Canadian._” –** Skeleton Crew Quarterly.**